It's now been well over a month since I last posted something. Jeez. And it's not because I don't have anything to say lately. I really do, actually.

I've just been letting myself get distracted.

So, there's not much substance to this post. Mainly, I just want to say that there will be more words up here. I have a number of posts I've started but never took the time to properly write out, once-over, and publish.

In general, my life is going really well. I just finished a class--Elementary Analysis--that went well; I feel better prepared for when I eventually retake the GRE Mathematics Subject Exam. I have also decided to leave the farm I've worked at for the last year-and-a-half. While I love it out there, it has become a source of great frustration as I try to fit it in but also view it as a really low priority. And that's not fair to them out there. I have more than enough students that want to hire me as a tutor to make up for the hours I spend on the farm.

So, my life is going well. I'm still fighting my ongoing battle against my inclination to passively consume and my desire to actively create. To expand on that topic my next post will be about the areas of my life I want to focus on and how I plan to make them my top priorities. I'd like to write that post while I'm back home visiting my family for the holidays.