I sing a lot of praises for Elon Musk because he seems to be that mythical ethical capitalist. I really respect the way he runs his companies and I truly believe his companies SpaceX and Tesla are going to catalyze some tremendous changes.
I realized, though, that I only know the awesome things that the Musk PR team tells me about. Surely his companies, as big corporations, must be just as corrupt as those other corporations. While they do good works and really draw attention to their ethical behavior, Musk's companies must also be exploiting overseas labor and resources. That's just how corporate entities operate as they poach money, right?
What isn't Musk telling us about the less ethical practices of his businesses Tesla and SpaceX?
I truly don't know. So, I thought this was the perfect topic for my inaugural Research Notes format blog post. What follows are summaries of the resources I find to help me answer my question. I'll wrap up with any conclusion I can draw.
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